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McDonald's blood flow in arterie : theoretical, experimental and clinical principles /

by Nichols, Wilmer W.
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Authors: O'Rourke, Michael F. | Hartley, Craig Edition statement:4. ed. Published by : Arnold, (London : ) Physical details: X, 564 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. Subject(s): Blood flow in arteries Year : 1998
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Books Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica QP105.N53 (Browse Shelf) 1 Available Thomaseth--

Contents. 1. Introduction. 2. The nature of flow of a liquid. 3. Properties of the arterial wall: theory. 4. Properties of the arterial wall: practice. 5. Pulsatile pressure-flow relations. 6. Measuring principles of arterial waves. 7. Ultrasonic blood flow and velocimetry. 8. Contours of pressure and flow waves in arteries. 9. Wave reflections. 10. Principles of recording and analysis of arterial waveforms. 11. Vascular impedance. 12. Input impedance as ventricular load. 13. Coupling of the left ventricle with the systemic circulation: implications to cardiac failure. 14. The coronary circulation. 15. The pulmonary circulation. 16. Aging. 17. Hypertension. 18. Atherosclerosis. 19. Specific desease. 20. Therapeutic and monitoring strategies.

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