Contents. 1. Introduction and overview. PART I: BASIC SYSTEMS RESOURCES. 2. Hardware. 3. Software and data. 4. Linking the components. PART II BASIC OPERATING SYSTEMS CONCEPTS. 5. Single-user systems. 6. Multiple-user systems. PART III: COMMAND AND JOB CONTROL LANGUAGES. 7. Command and job control languages. 8. MS-DOS commands. 9. UNIX commands and utilities. 10. DOS/VSE job control language. 11. IBM OS/JCL: JOB and EXEC statements. 12. IBM/OS JCL: DD statements. 13. Libraries and the limkage editor. PART IV OPERATING SYSTEMS INTERNALS. 14. MS-DOS. 15. Segmentation, paging, and virtual memory. 16. UNIX. 17. Operating principles of the IBM systems/370. 18. IBM DOS/VSE. 18. IBM systems/370 OS/VS1 and OS/VS2. PART V: CURRENT TOPICS. 20. Virtual machines. 21. Networks and distributed systems. 22. Data base systems. Appendixes
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