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Deduction /

by Johnson-Laird, Philip Nicholas
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Authors: Byrne, Ruth M. J. Series: Essays in cognitive psychology Published by : L. Erlbaum Associates, (Hove ; London : ) Physical details: 224 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Subject(s): Logic | Reasoning Year : 1991
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Books Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica BC71.J53 (Browse Shelf) 1 Available

Contents. 1. The logic of deduction. 2. The cognitive science of deduction. 3. Reasoning with propositions. 4. Conditionals. 5. Reasoning about relations. 6. One quantifier at a time: the psychilogy of syllogisms. 7. Many quantifiers: reasoning with multiple quantification. 8. Meta-deduction. 9. Deduction, non-monotonic reasoning, and parsimoniious conclusions: how to write a reasoning. 10. Beyond deduction: thinking, rationality, and models.

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