Contents. Part I: System. 1. Basic concepts. 2. System representations. 3. Basic assumptions. 4. Systemicity. 5. Concluding remarks. Part II: Chemism. 1. Chemical system. 2. Biochemical system. Part III: Life. 1. From chemism to life. 2. Biofunction. 3. Evolution. 4. Concluding remarks. Part IV: Mind. 1. Central nervous systems. 2. Brain states. 3. Sensation to valuation. 4. Recal to knowledge. 5. Self to society. 6. Concluding remarks. Part V: Society. 1. Human society. 2. Social subsystems and supersystems. 3. Economy, culture and polity. 4. Social structure. 5. Social change. 6. Concluding remarks. Part VI: A systematic world view. Appendix A: System models. 1. Input-output models. 2. Grey box models. Appendix B: Change models. 1. Kinematical models. 2. Dynamical models.
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