Pt. A: Reports of Current Research : proceedings of the Third Congress of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Themes 1-2 : Denver, Colorado September 1-7, 1974 = Les Recherches Actuelle : Comptes Rendu du Troisieme Congres de la Societe Internationale de Mecanique des Roches, Themes 1-2 : Denver, Colorado Septembre 1-7, 1974 = Berichte Derzeitige Forschung : Sitzungsberichte des Dritten Kongresses der Internationalen...
Published by :
National Academy of Sciences,
(Washington : )
Physical details: XXXII, 680 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
Advances in Rock Mechanics = Progres en Mecanique des Roches = Fortschritte in der Felsmechanik / U.S. National Commitee for Rock Mechanic, National Research Council, Nation al Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering
Year : 1974
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