Format: | Contents. 1.Some prelimonaries: the standard discrete systems. 2. A direct approach to problems in inelasticity. 3. Generalization of the finite elements concepts. Galerkin-weighted residual and variational approaches. 4. Plane stress and plane strain. 5. Axisymmetric stress analysis. 6. Three-dimensional stress analysis. 7. Steady-state field problems - heat conduction, electric and magnetic potential, fluid flow, etc. 8. 'Standard' and 'hierarchical' element shape functions: some general families of C0 continuity. 9. Mapped elements and numerical integration - 'infinite' and 'singularity' elements. 10. The patch, reduced integration, and non-conforming elements. 11. Mixed formulation and constraints-complete field methods. 12. Incompressible materials, mixed methods and other procedures of solution. 13. Mixed formulation and constraints - incomplete (hybrid) field methods, boundary/Trefftz methods. 14 Errors, recovery processes and error estimates. 15. Adaptive finite elements refinement. 16. Point-based approximation: element-free Galerkin - and other meshless methods. 17. The time dimension - semi-discretization of filed and dynamic problems and analytical solution procedures. 18. The time dimension - discrete approximation in time. 19. Coupled systems. 20. Computer procedures for finite elements analysis. |