Identification and mitigation of large landslide risks in Europe : Advances in risk assessment
Format:As large landslides can have extreme impacts on population, infrastructure and the environment, methodologies for the assessment and mitigation of risks are currently major issues. As early identification is essential for adequate risk assessment, the contents of this text will undoubtedly prove an invaluable resource for researchers and practitioners of landslide risk identification and mitigation. Bringing together expertise from a number of related disciplines, this book analyzes the hazards posed by selected large landslides and their direct and indirect consequences, as well as technical and social impacts
Publisher:London Balkema / Taylor & Francis
Physical Details: XVII, 317p. ill. 25 cm.
Notes:European Commission : fifth framework programme : IMIRILAND Project
Record No.:17383
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B3-GM/87 Istituto di ricerca per la protezione idrogeologica nei bacini dell'Italia nord- 2011-03-24 IRPI188/D