Three concepts of time / ; By Denbigh, Kenneth George

Format:Concepts. Part I: Time as a many-tiered construct. 1. The problem situation. 2. The obectivity of time. 3. The objectivity of time. 4. The problem of 'The present'. Part II: Temporal processes. 5. The interplay of change and causality. 6. Thermodynamics and the temporal asymmetries. 7. Temporal ongoings in bilology. 8. Time and consciousness.
Publisher:Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag,
Physical Details: VIII, 180 p. ; 25 cm.
Record No.:1875
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
Books BD638.D43 Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica 2010-04-13 LADSEB2405