Place Hold on Mathematics of physics of emerging biomedical imaging /
]]>Place Hold on The foundations of mathematics : a study in the philosophy of science /
]]>Place Hold on Structures de Fredholm sur les varietes hilbertiennes /
]]>Place Hold on The jackknife, the bootstrap, and other resampling plans /
]]>Place Hold on A panorama of pure mathematics, as seen by N. Bourbaki /
]]>Place Hold on Principles and techniques of applied mathematics /
]]>Place Hold on Introduction to model theory and the metamathematics of algebra /
]]>Place Hold on Applied mathematics for engineers and physicists /
]]>Place Hold on A first course in the mathematical foundations of thermodynamics /
]]>Place Hold on Numerical analysis of spectral methods : theory and applications /
]]>Place Hold on Bilinear control processes: with applications to engineering, ecology, and medicine /