Place Hold on Vol. 2: Special functions - Integral transforms - Asymptotics - Continued fractions
]]>Place Hold on An introduction to complex analysis in several variables /
]]>Place Hold on Introduction to the theory of entire functions /
]]>Place Hold on Computability : computable functions, logic, and the foundations of mathematics /
]]>Place Hold on Handbook of mathematical functions : with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables /
]]>Place Hold on J contractive matrix functions, reproducing kernel hilbert spaces and interpolation /
]]>Place Hold on Spaces of analytic functions : seminar held at Kristiansand, Norway, June 9-14, 1975 /
]]>Place Hold on Vol. 1: Power series - Integration - Conformal mapping - Location of zeros
]]>Place Hold on Vol. 9: Econometric models, techniques, and applications /
]]>Place Hold on Modeling survival data : extending the Cox model /
]]>Place Hold on Vol. 2: Vocal physiology: voice production, mechanism and functions /