Area della Ricerca di Padova
Corso Stati Uniti,4 35127 Padova (ITALY) - Tel.+39 049 8295611 - Fax.+39 049 8295671

161. Constructing a language : a usage-based theory of language acquisition / by Tomasello, Michael Publication: Cambridge (MA) : Harvard University Press . VIII, 387 p. : 24 cm. Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
162. From hand to mouth : the origins of language / by Corballis, Michael Publication: Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2002 . XII, 257 p. : 23 cm. Date:2002 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
163. Psychological science / by Gazzaniga, Michael S. Publication: New York : W.W.Norton & Company, 2003 . XLII, 587 p. : 28 cm. Date:2003 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
164. Principles of cognitine psychology / by Eysenck, Michael W. Publication: Hove : Psychology Press, 2001 . XII, 436 p.,ill. ; 21 cm. Date:2001 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
165. Visual perception : an introduction / by Wade, Nicholas J. Publication: Hove : Psychology Press, 2001 . XII, 292 p.,ill. ; 24 cm. Date:2001 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
166. Nanotechnology :basic science and emerging technologyes / by Wilson, Michael Publication: Boca Raton, 2002 . XVII, 271 p. : 24 cm. Date:2002 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
167. Elements of intuitionism / by Dummett, Michael Publication: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1977 . XII, 476 p. ; 24 cm. Date:1977 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
168. Reading instruction that works : the case for balanced teaching / by Pressley, Michael Publication: New York : The Guilford Press, 2002 . VI, 378 p.,ill. ; 23 cm. Date:2002 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
169. Introduction to formal language theory / by Harrison, Michael A. Publication: Reading : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1978 . XIV, 594 p. : 25 cm. Date:1978 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
170. ThePsychology of happiness / by Argyle, Michael Publication: Hover : Routledge, 2001 . XI, 276 p.,ill. ; 23 cm. Date:2001 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
171. Conversazione e sviluppo cognitivo / by Siegal, Michael Publication: Milano : Raffaello Cortina Editore, 1997 . XVI, 229 p. ; 23 cm. Date:1997 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
172. Cognitive neuroscience /   Publication: Hove : Psychology Press, 1997 . XI, 390 p., ill. ; 23 cm Date:1997 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
173. The design of well-structured and correct programs / by Alagic, Suad Publication: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1978 . X, 292 p. : 25 cm. Date:1978 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
174. ThePhonology of english : a prosodic optimality-theoretic approach / by Hammond, Michael Publication: Oxford : OUP, 1999 . XIII, 368 p. : 24 cm. Date:1999 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
175. Forensic examination of fibres /   Publication: London : Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1999 . XIX, 447 p. : 25 cm. Date:1999 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
176. Biochemical systems analysis : a study of function and design in molecular biology / by Savageau, Michael A. Publication: Reading : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1976 . VII, 379 p. : 24 cm. Date:1976 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
177. Computer explorations in signals and systems : using Matlab / by Buck, John R. Publication: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice-Hall International, 1997 . 207 p. : 28 cm. Date:1997 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
178. Animal acoustic communication : sound analysis and research methods /   Publication: Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1998 . XIX, 421 p. ; ill. | ; 25 cm. Date:1998 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
179. A teacher's guide to the psychology of learning / by Howe, Michael J.A. Publication: Malden : Blackwell Publishers, 1999 . VII, 167 p. ; 22 cm. Date:1999 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
180. The new psychology of language : cognitive and functional approaches to language structure /   Publication: London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998 . XXIII, 292 p. ; ill. | ; 23 cm. Date:1998 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions: