Area della Ricerca di Padova
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181. Introduction to nonlinear optical effects in molecules and polymers / by Prasad, Paras N. Publication: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1991 . X, 307 p. : 25 cm. Date:1991 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
182. X-ray diffraction procedures : for polycrystalline and amorphous materials / by Klug, Harold P. Publication: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1974 . XXV, 966 p. : 24 cm. Date:1974 Availability: No items available: Checked out (2), Actions:
183. Materials for conservation : organic consolidants, adhesives and coatings / by Horie, C. V. Publication: Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1987 . XI, 281 p. : 22 cm. Date:1987 Availability: No items available: Checked out (2), Actions:
184. Vol. 26: Materials /   Publication: New York : Plenum Press, 1980 . XIV, 703 p. : 26 cm. Date:1980 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
185. The passive solar construction handbook : featuring hundreds of construction details and notes, materials specifications, and design rules of thumb /   Publication: Emmaus : Rodale Press, 1983 . VIII, 328 p. : 24 cm. Date:1983 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
186. Vol. 7: Coatings, systems, composites, foods, animal and vegetable products   Publication: New York : IFI/Plenum, 1982 . (paginazione varia) : 29 cm. Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
187. Vol. 4: Alloys, intermetallic compounds, and cermets   Publication: New York : IFI/Plenum, 1982 . (paginazione varia) : 29 cm. Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
188. Vol. 5: Oxide mixtures and minerals   Publication: New York : IFI/Plenum, 1982 . (paginazione varia) : 29 cm. Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
189. Vol. 2: Inorganic compounds   Publication: New York : IFI/Plenum, 1982 . (paginazione varia) : 29 cm. Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
190. Sources of information in water resources : an annotated guide to printed materials / by Giefer, Gerald J. Publication: New York : Water Information Center, 1976 . XVII, 290 p. ; 24 cm. Date:1976 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
191. Vol. 4: Theme five: underground engineering geology : theme six: engineering geology of land and marine hydraulic structures : theme seven: construction materials   Publication: Rotterdam : A. A. Balkema, 1990 . XV, P. 2431-3213 : , Frontespizio in altra lingua 25 cm. Date:1990 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
192. Amorphous inorganic materials and glasses. -- by Feltz, Adalbert Publication: Weinheim, 1993 . 446 p. ill. 24 cm. Date:1993 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
193. Mechanics of particulate materials : the principles / by Feda, Jaroslav Publication: Amsterdam : Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1982 . 446 p. : , translation by Doubravka Hajsmanova 25 cm. Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
194. Vol. 4: Electrochemical materials science /   Publication: New York : Plenum Press, 1981 . XXII, 563 p. : 26 cm. Date:1981 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
195. Deformation processes in minerals, ceramics and rocks / by Barber, D. J. Publication: London : Unwin Hyman, 1990 . XVIII, 423 p. : , in frontespizio: published in association with the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland 24 cm. Date:1990 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
196. Highway materials / by Krebs, Robert D. Publication: New York : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971 . XVI, 428 p. : 24 cm. Date:1971 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
197. Styles of folding : mechanics and mechanisms of folding of natural elastic materials / by Johnson, Arvid M. Publication: Amsterdam : Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1977 . XX, 406 p. : 25 cm. Date:1977 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
198. Crystalline semiconducting materials and devices / by Butcher, Paul N. Publication: New York : Plenum Press, 1986 . XVIII, 645 p. : 24 cm. Date:1986 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
199. Materials for advanced batteries / by Murphy, D. W. Publication: New York : Plenum Press, 1980 . IX, 373 p. : 26 cm. Date:1980 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
200. Heat-resistant polymers : technologically useful materials / by Critchley, J. P. Publication: New York : Plenum Press, 1983 . XIV, 462 p. : 24 cm. Date:1983 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions: