Area della Ricerca di Padova
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201. Metastable ions /   Publication: Amsterdam : Elsevier Scientific Publishing C., 1973 . IX, 296 p. : 23 cm. Date:1973 Availability: Copies available: Area della Ricerca del CNR di Padova (1), Actions:
202. The mass spectramof organic molecules / by Beynon, J. H. Publication: Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing C., 1968 . IX, 510 p. : 25 cm. Date:1968 Availability: Copies available: Area della Ricerca del CNR di Padova (1), Actions:
203. Studies in international economic : Monash conference papers /   Publication: Amsterdam : North-Holland Pub. Co., 1970 . 270 p. ; , Papers presented or circulated at a conference held by the Dept. of Economics at Monash University, Sept. 11-13, 1969 23 cm. Date:1970 Availability: Copies available: Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica (1), Actions:
204. Nuclear environmental chemical analysis / by Tolgyessy, Juraj Publication: Chichester : Ellis Horwood Limited, 1987 . 185 p. : 25 cm. Date:1987 Availability: Copies available: Ufficio sicurezza e prevenzione (1), Actions:
205. Biosensors / by Hall, Elizabeth A. H. Publication: Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, 1991 . VIII, 351 p. ; 24 cm. Date:1991 Availability: Copies available: Ufficio sicurezza e prevenzione (1), Actions:
206. Uranium-plutonium transplutonic elements / by Hodge, H. C. Publication: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1973 . XXI, 995 p. : 25 cm. Date:1973 Availability: Copies available: Ufficio sicurezza e prevenzione (1), Actions:
207. A colour atlas of food quality control / by Sutherland, Jane P. Publication: Weert : A Wolfe Science Book, 1986 . 272 p. : 27 cm. Date:1986 Availability: Copies available: Istituto per la tecnica del freddo (1), Actions:
208. Conduction of heat in solids / by Carslaw, H. S. Publication: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1959 . VIII, 510 p. : 24 cm. Date:1959 Availability: Copies available: Istituto per la tecnica del freddo (1), Actions:
209. Introduction to thermal sciences : thermodynamics fluid dynamics heat transfer / by Schmidt, Frank W. Publication: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1984 . XVI, 445 p. : 24 cm. Date:1984 Availability: Copies available: Istituto per la tecnica del freddo (1), Actions:
210. Nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics / by Lavenda, B. H. Publication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1985 . XIII, 200 p. : 24 cm. Date:1985 Availability: Copies available: Istituto per la tecnica del freddo (1), Actions:
211. Proceedings of the 10 international cryogenic engineering conference : Helsinky, Finland 31 July-3 August 1984 : ICEC 10 /   Publication: Guildford : Butterworth, 1984 . XX, 844 p. : 25 cm. Date:1984 Availability: Copies available: Istituto per la tecnica del freddo (1), Actions:
212. Heat and mass transfer in fixed and fluidized beds /   Publication: Washington : Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1986 . XII, 732 p. : , Preface: The contributions contained in this book are selections of the papers and lectures presented on the 16th International Centre for Heat and Mass Tranfer Symposium "Heat and mass transfer in fixed and fluidized beds" held at Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, September 3-7, 1984 25 cm. Date:1986 Availability: Copies available: Istituto per la tecnica del freddo (1), Actions:
213. Cambridge Summer School in Mathematical Logic, held in Cambridge, England, August 1-21, 1971 /   Publication: Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 1973 . IX, 660 p. ; 25 cm. Date:1973 Availability: Copies available: Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica (1), Actions:
214. Heat and mass transfer in rotating machinery / by Metzger, Darryl E. Publication: Washington : Hemisphere publishing Corporation, 1984 . IX, 713 p. : 25 cm. Date:1984 Availability: Copies available: Istituto per la tecnica del freddo (1), Actions:
215. Vol. 1: Elementi fondamentali / by Bandini Buti, Alberto Publication: Milano : Editoriale Delfino, 1971 . VII, 511 p. : 21 cm. Date:1971 Availability: Copies available: Area della Ricerca del CNR di Padova (1), Actions:
216. Atmospheric chemistry and physics of air pollution / by Seinfeld, John H. Publication: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1986 . XXIII, 738 p. : 24 cm. Date:1986 Availability: Copies available: Istituto di chimica e tecnologie inorganiche e dei materiali avanzati (1), Actions:
217. Deposition of atmospheric pollutants : proceedings of a colloquium held at Oberursel-Taunus, West Germany, 9-11 Nevember 1981 /   Publication: Dordrecht : D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1982 . IX, 217 p. : 25 cm. Date:1982 Availability: Copies available: Istituto di chimica e tecnologie inorganiche e dei materiali avanzati (1), Actions:
218. Aerosol microphysics II : chemical physics of microparticles / by Marlow, W. H. Publication: Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1982 . X, 189 p. : 25 cm. Date:1982 Availability: Copies available: Istituto di chimica e tecnologie inorganiche e dei materiali avanzati (1), Actions:
219. Aerosol microphysics I : particle interaction / by Marlow, W. H. Publication: Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1980 . IX, 160 p. : 25 cm. Date:1980 Availability: Copies available: Istituto di chimica e tecnologie inorganiche e dei materiali avanzati (1), Actions:
220. Atmospheric dispersion of heavy gases and small particles : symposium. Delft, The Netherlands August 29-September 2, 1983 /   Publication: Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1984 . IX, 440 p. : 24 cm. Date:1984 Availability: Copies available: Istituto di chimica e tecnologie inorganiche e dei materiali avanzati (1), Actions: