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1. Vol. A: Space-group symmetry /   Publication: Dortrecht : Reidel Publishing Co., 1983 . XV, 854 p. : , Nel front.: Published for the International Union of Crystallography 31 cm. Date:1983 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
2. Vol 2: Mathematical tables / by Kasper, John S. Publication: Birmingham : The International Union of crystallography by the Kynoch Press, 1967 . XX, 444 p. : 28 cm. Date:1967 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
3. Vol 4: Revised and supplementary tables to volumes II and III /   Publication: Birmingham : The International Union of crystallography by the Kynoch Press, 1974 . XI, 366 p. : 28 cm. Date:1974 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
4. Vol 3: Physical and chemical tables / by Macgillavry, Caroline H. Publication: Birmingham : The International Union of crystallography by the Kynoch Press, 1968 . XVII, 362 p. : 28 cm. Date:1968 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
5. Vol 1: Symmetry groups /   Publication: Birmingham : The International Union of crystallography by the Kynoch Press, 1969 . XI, 558 p. : 28 cm. Date:1969 Availability: No items available: Checked out (2), Actions:
6. Pt. B: Stability constants of Metal-Ion complexes /   Publication: Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1979 . VIII, 1263 p. : 28 cm. Date:1979 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
7. Vol. 6: Second supplement / by Smith, Robert M. Publication: New York : Plenum Press, 1989 . XVIII, 643 p. : 28 cm. Date:1989 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
8. Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Secondary Refrigerants /   Publication: Paris : International Institute of Refrigeration, 1997 . 122 p. : 30 cm. Date:1997 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
9. Vol I: Symmetry groups ; vol II : mathematical tables ; Vol. III: physical and chemical tables /   Publication: Birmingham : Kynoch Press, 1965 . XI, 558 p. : 28 cm. Date:1965 Availability: No items available: Actions:
10. Vol. 1: Amino Acids / by Martell, Arthur E. Publication: New York : Plenum Press, 1974 . XIII, 469 p. : 28 cm. Date:1974 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
11. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning / by Porges, F. Publication: London : Butterworths, 1982 . 267 p. : 23 cm. Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
12. Thermodynamic and physical property data / by Yaws, Carl L. Publication: Houston : Gulf Publishing Company, 1992 . VI, 217 p. ; 29 cm. Date:1992 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
13. Practical statistics for medical research / by Altman, Douglas G. Publication: Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 1999 . XII , 611 p. : 24 cm. Date:1999 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
14. Thermodynamic properties in SI : graphs, tables, and computational equations for forty substances / by Reynolds, William C. Publication: Stanford : Department of Mechanical Engineering Stanford University, 1979 . IX, 172 p. : 28 cm. Date:1979 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
15. Vol. 2 by Hulst, H. C. van de Publication: New York : Dover Publications, 1980 . XI, P. 303-739 : 24 cm. Date:1980 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
16. Vol. 1 by Hulst, H. C. van de Publication: New York : Dover Publications, 1980 . XI, 317 p. : 24 cm. Date:1980 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
17. Handbook of mathematical functions : with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables /   Publication: New York : Dover Publications, 1965 . XIV, 1046 p. : 27 cm. Date:1965 Availability: No items available: Checked out (2), Actions:
18. Particle image velocimetry : A pratical guide by Markus, Raffel Publication: Heidelberg : Springer 2007 . XVI, 443 p. : , Second Edition, with 288 figures and 42 tables 24 cm. Date:2007 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
19. Thermodynamic and physical properties : tables and diagrams for the refrigeration industry = Proprietes termodynamiques et physiques : tables et diagrammes pour l'industrie du froid /   Publication: Paris : International Institute of Refrigeration, 1982 . 1 v. (varie sequenze) : 31 cm. + 9 tavole di diagrammi Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
20. NH3-H2O : thermodynamic and physical properties : tables and diagrams for the refrigeration industry = Proprietes termodynamiques et physiques : tables et diagrammes pour l'industrie du froid /   Publication: Paris : International Institute of Refrigeration, 1994 . 88 p. : , Esemplare sprovvisto di frontespizio 30 cm. Date:1994 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
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