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Proceedings of the European Conference on Finned Tube Heat Exchangers : Padua, April 18, 1991 - Padova : Universita' di PAdova - Istituto di Fisica Tecnica, [199-?] - 1 contenitore (varie sequenze) : ill. ; 33 cm.

In testa alla coperta: European Micro-Network "Heat Exchanger" - GRETh (Groupement pour le Recherche sur les Echangeurs Thermiques), CETIAT (Centre Technique des Industries Aerauliques et Thermiques), ITT (Institut fur Technische Thermodynamik), IFT (Istituto di Fisica Tecnica dell'Universita' di Padova), DTI (Danish Technological Institute), CRES (Center for Renewable Energy Sources)

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