Contents. 0: An introduction to general intensional logics. 0. Consequence relations. I. An introduction to one dimensional modal logics. 1. Basic notions. 2. General theory of unary intensional connectives. 3. Basic necessity systems. 4. Basic tense systems. 5. Possible worlds with varying domains. 6. Equality and proper names. 7. Propositional statability operators. II: Technical results for propositional calculi. 8. The finite model property. 9. Selective filtration. III: Introduction to many dimensional modal logics and applications. 10. Two dimensional propositional tense logics. 11. An appendix. 12. Soma applications. 13. Relative necessity operators and the subjunctive conditional. 14. Propositional quantifiers. 15. Basic entailment type logics. V: The decision problem. 16. The reduction methods. 17. Some decidability results. 18. The decision problem for predicate systems. VI: Special topics. 19. Completeness for frames. 20. The interpolation theorem. VII: Notes and some references.
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