Contents . I Artificial intelligence 1. Introduction. 2. Intelligent agents. II Problem-solving 3. Solving problems by searching. 4. Informed search methods. 5. Game playing. III Knowledge and reasoning. 6. Agents that reason logically. 7. First-order logic. 8. Building a knowledge base. 9. Inference in first-order logic. 10. Logical reasoning systems. IV Acting logically 11. Planning. 12. Practical planning. 13. Planning and acting. V Uncertain knowledge and reasoning 14. Uncertainty. 15. Probabilistic reasoning systems. 16. Making simple decision. 17 Making complex decision. VI Learning 18. Learning from observations. 19. Learning in neural and belief networks. 20. Reinforcement learning. 21. Knowledge in learning. VII Communicating, perceiving, and acting 22. Agents that communicate. 23. Practical natural language processing. 24. Perception. 25. Robotics. VIII Conclusions 26. Philosophical foundations. 27. AI: present and future
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