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The foundations of artificial intelligence : a sourcebook /

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Authors: Partridge, Derek | Wilks, Yorick Published by : Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge : ) Physical details: XIV, 498 p. ; 23 cm. Subject(s): Artificial intelligence Year : 1990
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Books Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica O335.F68 (Browse Shelf) 1 Available

Selected papers and subsequent discussion from a NFS-supo rted wokshop on the foundations of a AI held in Las Cruces, New Mexico, in 1986

Contents. 1. Introduction. 2. The formal foundations of AI. 3. Levels of theory. 4. Programs and theories. 5. The role of representations. 6. The role of programs in AI. 7. Rational reconstructions as an AI methodology. 8. Is AI special in regard to its methodology? 9. Does connectionism provide a new paradigm for AI? 10. The role of correctness in AI. 11. Limitations on current AI technology. 12. Annotated bibliography on the foundations of AI.

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