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Topics in philosophical logic /

by Rescher, Nicholas
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Series: Synthese library Published by : D. Reidel, (Dordrecht : ) Physical details: XIV, 347 p. ; 23 cm. Year : 1968
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Books Istituto di Ingegneria Biomedica BC6.H36R68L (Browse Shelf) 1 Available

Contents. 1. Recent developments in philosophical logic. 2. Self/referential statements. 3. Modal renderings of intuitionistic propositional logic. 4. A contribution to modal logic. 5. Epistemic modality: the problem of a logical theory of belief statements. 6. Many-valued logic: I Historical backgraund. II A survey of many-valued logic. III A brief bibliography of many-valued logic. 7. Venn diagrams for plurative syllogisms. 8. Can there be randon individuals? 9. The logic of existence. 10. Nonstandard quantificational logic. 11. Probability logic. 12. Chronological logic. 13. Topological logic. 14. Assertion logic. 15. The logic of preference. 16. Deontic logic. 17. Discourse on a method.

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