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1. 17. EuroCVD 17 / CVD 17   Publication: Pennington N.J.: The electrochemical inc; 2009 . XXIII, 641-1324 p.: , Copertina rigida ; include CD 23 cm Date:2009 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
2. Neural networks for robotic control : theory and applications /   Publication: London : Ellis Horwood, 1996 . VIII, 278 p. ; 24 cm. Date:1996 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
3. Vol. 2 by T*** Publication: Verone : Giuliari, 1797 . 312 p. ; 23 cm. Date:1797 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
4. Vol. 1 by T*** Publication: Verone : Giuliari, 1797 . 312 p. ; 23 cm. Date:1797 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
5. Vol. 2: The solar system by Bobrovnikoff, Nicholas T. Publication: Tucson : Pachart Publishing House, 1990 . 222 p. : 23 cm. Date:1990 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
6. Vol. 4   Publication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1982 . XV, 647 p. : 24 cm. Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
7. La lyophilisation : principles et applications /   Publication: Paris : A.N.R.T., 1974 . VIII, 467 p. : , Association National de la Recherche Technique 30 cm. Date:1974 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
8. Vol. 2. Chauffage, fumisterie, ventilation, conditionnement d'air   Publication: Paris : Dunod, 1959 . XII, 179 p. : 24 cm. Date:1959 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
9. Italiano d'oggi : lingua nazionale e varieta' regionale / by Ebneter, T. Publication: Trieste : Edizioni LINT, 1977 . 326 p. ; , In testa al front.: Centro per lo studio dell'insegnamento all'estero dell'italiano, Universita' degli Studi di Trieste 22 cm. Date:1977 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
10. Chimica organica / by Graham Solomons, T. W. Publication: Bologna : Editoriale Grasso, 1988 . XIX, 1095 p. : 26 cm. Date:1988 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
11. Vol. 1: Litologia = Petrologie / by Aubouin, J. Publication: Milano : Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 1973 . XV, 559 p. : 24 cm. Date:1973 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
12. Electron impact ionization /   Publication: Wien : Springer-Verlag, 1985 . XI, 383 p. : 25 cm. Date:1985 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
13. Norme internationale ISO 1992 VIII-1978 (F) : meubles frigorifiques commerciaux - methodes d'essai - partie VIII : essai de contact mecanique accidental   Publication: [Suisse] : Organisation Internationale de Normalisation, 1978 . 2 p. : , ISO: Organisation Internationale de Normalisation 30 cm. Date:1978 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
14. Principles of air pollution meteorology / by Lyons, T. J. Publication: London : Belhaven Press, 1990 . VI, 224 p. : 24 cm. Date:1990 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
15. Cloud dynamics / by Matveev, L. T. Publication: Dordrecht : D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984 . X, 340 p. : 25 cm. Date:1984 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
16. Atmospheric turbulence and air pollution modelling : a course held in the Hague, 21-25 september, 1981 /   Publication: Dordrecht : D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1984 . XXI, 358 p. : 24 cm. Date:1984 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
17. Turbulent diffusion in the environment / by Csanady, G. T. Publication: Dordrecht : D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1980 . X, 248 p. : 24 cm. Date:1980 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
18. Artic and Alpine environments /   Publication: London : Methuen, 1974 . XVIII, 999 p. : 26 cm. + 47 p. di foto Date:1974 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
19. The deterioration and conservation of porous building materials in monuments : a rewiew of the literature / by Stambolov, T. Publication: Roma : International centre for the study of the preservation and the restoration of cultural, . 86 p. ; , In testa al front: International centre for the study of the preservation and the restoration of cultural property 24 cm. Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
20. Advanced triaxial testing of soil and rock /   Publication: Philadelphia (PA) : ASTM, 1988 . 896 p. : , Nella prefazione: The symposium on advanced triaxial testing of soil and rock was presented at Louisville, Kentucky on 19-20 June 1986 sponsored by ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil and Rock 24 cm. Date:1988 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
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