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1. 17. EuroCVD 17 / CVD 17   Publication: Pennington N.J.: The electrochemical inc; 2009 . XXIII, 638 p.: , Copertina rigida 23 cm Date:2009 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
2. Vol. 4   Publication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1982 . XV, 647 p. : 24 cm. Date:1982 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
3. 17. EuroCVD 17 / CVD 17   Publication: Pennington N.J.: The electrochemical inc; 2009 . XXIII, 641-1324 p.: , Copertina rigida ; include CD 23 cm Date:2009 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
4. Heat and mass tranfer in refrigeration and cryogenics /   Publication: Washington : Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1987 . IX, 665 p. : , Da pag. IX: Proceedings of a special session of an international symposium, held in Dubrovnik, Sept. 1-5, 1986, and organized by t he International Centre for Heat and Mass Tranfer 25 cm. Date:1987 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
5. Dynamic meteorology and weather forecasting /   Publication: Boston : American Meteorological Society, 1957 . XVI, 800 p. : , in frontespizio: Dynamic meteorology and hydrography and Hydrodynamique physique avec applications a la meteorologie dynamique 29 cm. Date:1957 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
6. The elements of stochastic processes : with applications to the natural sciences / by Bailey, Norman T. J. Publication: New York : Wiley, 1964 . XI, 249 p. ; 24 cm. Date:1964 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
7. Stations touristiques de montagne : elements pour une politique de planification /   Publication: Lausanne ; EPF, 1974 . III, (paginazione varia) : , in testa al frontespizio: Etude pilote destinee a la communaute d'etude pour l'amenagement du territoire ecole polytechnique federale 30 cm. Date:1974 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
8. Vol. 2: Numerical analysis : the mathematics of computing / by Watson, W. A. Publication: London : Edward Arnold, 1969 . X, 165 p. : 23 cm. Date:1969 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
9. Vol. 1: Numerical analysis : the mathematics of computing / by Watson, W. A. Publication: London : Edward Arnold, 1969 . XI, 224 p. : 23 cm. Date:1969 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
10. Finite element analysis in fluid dynamics / by Chung, T. J. Publication: New York : McGraw-Hill International Book Company, 1978 . XIII, 378 p. : 24 cm. Date:1978 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
11. The nature of expertise / by Chi, Michelene T. H. Publication: Hillsdale : L. Erlbaum Associates, 1988 . XXXVI, 434 p. : 24 cm. Date:1988 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
12. The dictionary of cell biology /   Publication: London : Academic Press, 1989 . 262 p. ; 23 cm. Date:1989 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
13. From mine to microscope   Publication: Oxford : Oxbow Books, 2009 . XVI, 230 p.: 29 cm Date:2009 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
14. Neural networks for robotic control : theory and applications /   Publication: London : Ellis Horwood, 1996 . VIII, 278 p. ; 24 cm. Date:1996 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
15. CRC Handbook of chemistry and physics by Haynes W. M. Publication: Boca Radon: CRC Press, 2014 . 1 v. (paginazione varia) : 26 cm. Date:2014 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions:
16. Chemical Vapor Deposition of refractory metals and ceramics II   Publication: Pittsburgh : Materials Research Society, 1992 . XI, 376 p. : 24 cm. Date:1992 Availability: No items available: Actions:
17. Lutte contre la pollution des eaux : Recherches actuelles /   Publication: . - Parys : Eyrolles ; Paris : Gauthier Villars, 1970 . . - 182 p., ill. ; 24 cm. Date:1970 Availability: No items available: Checked out (1), Actions: